If an item is in stock, it will ship within 5 business day. You will receive an e-mail confirmation when you place your order and another when your order ships. The shipment confirmation will include tracking information and a delivery estimate.

Most pieces are handmade and produced to order. Therefore the calculated production period is an estimated time of 7 days or up to 4 weeks. Of course we will try to ship your chosen jewelry as soon as possible.


The delivery time and costs depend on your location. When you add your desired product to the cart, the postage cost and shipping details to your chosen land will automatically be added. Local taxes and custom fees may apply to international shipments.


The buyer has a 14 clear day deadline, including the day of the delivery, to return the product to for reimbursement, without any penalties apart from return costs.
If this deadline of 14 days expires on a Saturday, Sunday, national holiday or day off, it is extended until the first working day that follows.
The buyer will inform by e-mail of his or her intention to return the product, before the 14 day deadline has expired, to the following address: will however only accept the exchange and reimbursement of jewelry if all the conditions stipulated below are respected:
a The buyer informs the seller of his or her intention to return the product within the deadline outlined in the present
b The product must not have been worn, jaded, changed, cleaned, or damaged
c The product must be returned in its original packaging
d The returned products are handed over by the buyer to the courier within the 14 days following their receipt

In the event where the return of the product by the buyer is due to an error by such as a product missing from the order or the receipt of the wrong product or a defect in the product’s fabrication, promises to reimburse, in addition to the purchase price of the product, the forwarding fees paid for by the buyer for the delivery of the product.
The buyer will need to report the error by e-mail to within a maximum of 48 hours following receipt of the order.
The buyer who will have exercised his right of retraction within the conditions of the present article will be reimbursed within 30 days from the date on which was aware of the exercising of his or her right of retraction.
No reimbursement can take place to the benefit of the buyer who has not exercised his or her right of retraction within the conditions of the present article. In this case the buyer will only be able to claim his or her expenses, on the return of the product bought such as it will have been received before by

Please note we cannot refund return shipping charges. 

Custom orders are nonreturnable, nonrefundable, and nonexchangeable.

Please return your order to:

Aetra Studio,

Daniele Antonopoulos, trading under the business name

“Aetra Studio”

Proskauer Str. 4

10247 Berlin
